Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cutest Animals You've Never Heard Of.

The Sugar Glider

Originating in Australia, the gorgeous Sugar Glider is a lot like a flying squirell. They prefer sweet nectar-filled foods too!

The Australian Wallaby

Certainly not the only little-known Australian animal to be dubbed "cute", this baby wallaby is adorable!

The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

This little critter is found in Australia, and like most marsupials, they're adorable! Fancy cuddling one of these - so sweet.

The Red-Crested Tree Rat

Who ever thought a rat could be so cute, right? This Red-Crested Tree Rat has beautiful coloring.

The Ploughshare Tortoise

Found in Madagascar, the Ploughshare Tortoise, or Angonoka Tortoise, is critically endangered. Just look at how tiny this baby is!

The Roloway Monkey

Aww, just look at this little fellow clinging on to his soft toy! This is a baby Roloway Monkey, and they are only found in a small area of eastern Côte d'Ivoire and in the forests of Ghana.
 More to come tomorrow!
Source: Tinybites.

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